Schnöly ünd Schnarfling say"look @ the dang pictures"
another czech road trip.  this time up north to Liberec. "the manchester of bohemia"  settled by german and flemigh immigrants.we went there for a concert,  and some walking around in the rain.  

the band was a far out bunch, two of which looked like benson and Klempner.

the show was at a community center type place that had sharp cornered stainless steel urinals, a mesh bag of soap and a very friendly little cat that liked april very much.

we spent the night there, and then drove to Novy Bor in the morning.

Novy bor is out by the mountains, near some skiing, and was a major Glass producing area.  There were tons of shops and factories and schools, all dedicated to making Glass.

We visited a place called Ajeto, which had a restaraunt with a fishtank of glassblowers that you could watch while eating meaty gravy stuff.  They were cranking out the goblets.  We timed them at 4 minutes each!

basement hot shop
everywhere you looked, there was a shop.

in the basement of the building we stayed in was a shop so small and so hot.  It had very little ventilation and no stereo. It did have some sweet leather loungers though!

novy bor hot shop
we also visited the Novy Bor school, which is a high school dedicated to glass making.  Just like any other school, but its for glassblowing, glass cutting, glass painting and everything glass.  There, like the rest of the shops we saw, the workers wore slippers without socks.  

we visited a glass museum, that had all manner of beautiful engraved glass from the 1800's.  very cool stuff. 

glass glass glass


sklo sklo sklo

5/8/2010 12:19:00 pm

I love Novy Bor..everything except the meaty gravy stuff. I stayed in the same place you did with the teeny glass shop in the basement. Was your room painted all pink? Mine was...complete with a porno cartoon on the wall. That glass museum is awesome. I have a pair of those slippers. I wear mine with socks..


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    Zak H. and April S. go on a bike trip to the Czech Republic, and beyond.  sometimes warm, sometimes cold.


    May 2010
    April 2010



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